Physics formulas, constants and stuff worth remembering
Constants and formulae
- e = 1.6 x 10^-19 C [elementary charge]
- h = 6.63 x 10^-34 [Planck's constant]
- m = 9.11 x 10^-31 [mass of electron]
Useful formulas
- Impulse = m(v-u). Also Impulse = Force x Time (often area under F/T graph).
- V=IR
- P=IV and as V=IR, P=I²R
- Internal Resistance
- Internal resistance is resistance due to heat loss transferring electrons between anode and cathode. EMF is the total voltage in the cell (assuming no internal resistance)
- Terminal Voltage is the 'real' voltage - the P.D. available after internal resistance has been taken into account
- EMF = Vterminal+ IRinternal
- Resistivity : Resistance = ρL/A, where ρ is resistivity, L = length (m), A = CSA (m²)
- Number density : the number of free electrons per m³
- Mean drift velocity - the average speed that electrons move through a medium
- I=vAne (I = current, v = mean drift velocity (m/s), A = CSA (m), n = number density, e = elementary charge number)
- Work Function : energy required before a material (usually metal) will emit electrons.
- eV conversions : multiply by 'e'
- if you have WF in Joules, then divide by 'e' to get in eV
- if you have WF in eV, multiply by 'e' to get it in J, for example 3.2ev = 3.2 x 1.6 x 10^-19 J
- Light/Photons etc : incident energy, E = work function + KE(max)
- When electrons accelerated through a PD : KE = 1/2mv^2 = eV ...often used to get the electron velocity
- E = h/f and v = fλ
- de Broglie λ = h/p, where p = momentum = mv
- Young's Modulus = stress / strain
Error handling
- When adding or subtracting : ADD ABSOLUTE errors
- When multiplying or dividing : ADD PERCENTAGE errors
- When raising to a power : multiply error by the power
- % error = (absolute error / value) X 100
Stuff worth rememberin'
- When adding or subtracting : ADD ABSOLUTE errors
- Photons
- have both wave and particle properties. Therefore a photon can be
refracted and its speed will change when it moves from 1 medium to
- they do not contain charged particles, so are electrically neutral
- energy depends on frequency (or wavelength, as speed = fλ. I)t does NOT depend on intensity!
- polarisation : a vertical polariser followed by a horizontal polariser
will let through no light. But if you put a diagonal one between them,
some light will get through. The polarisers are not really
filters..hard to explain exactly why it happens.
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